Thursday, February 14, 2013

Observations Worth Considering

Ok, going to write something here that will risk some folks taking it the wrong way, but I believe in giving Glory to God in all things so I will share this little anecdote with you. Most of you that read my stuff on facebook and my blog know that I am teamed with my friend Curtis Bostic to help get him elected to Congress. For those of you that may not know Curtis well, but wonder why I am working so hard for him, permit me to share.  I have already told you about the fact that this guy has great integrity, he has great command of the Biblical Worldview, and he has great command of the United States Constitution. What you may not know about him is his walk with Christ.  If you’re not interested in that, stop reading now. But if you are, let me share with you what I observed recently up close.

Curtis and I were in another city nearby for a campaign visit where we would be meeting with a large group of folks and where Curtis would get a chance to share his testimony and a little about himself. We stopped in abandoned parking lot so that we could pray and ask God to go before us, and to ask him what we always ask him, to breathe life into our efforts and to help us to be thankful no matter how things turn out in the end. So we pull over and begin to pray, and my friend starts praying for the other candidates that we are running against. That God would bless them. Then we get this opportunity for him to speak about his testimony and about himself and about our campaign for Congress. He had a limited amount of time with these folks. He shares how he came to Christ and then spends the rest of the time sharing the life giving message of salvation with these guys.  He knew that he was eating up the time he had allotted and would not be able to talk about the congressional campaign but he spent all of his time telling that group about how they can have a relationship with Christ. He simply told me afterward that he sensed that there were folks in the room that did not know Christ and that he had to tell them and that was more important than our campaign. I’m telling you all of that because otherwise you would never hear about it. Just he and I praying, and he getting his opportunity to speak about the campaign. And he will never tell you he did that.

Friends, Curtis Bostic is the kind of guy that will obey his oath…that’s why I share this with you. Those of you who know me, YOU know how SICK and TIRED I am of sending representatives to Washington D.C. that place their left hand on a bible, then raise their right hand and take an oath to submit to the highest law of our nation, the United States Constitution. Then they summarily dismiss or ignore that oath.

Christian brothers and sisters, I will make no bones about it, we have a unique opportunity to elect a guy that “gets it” on the Biblical Worldview, he “gets it” on the United States Constitution and the Rule of Law, and friends…this guy “gets it” on his priorities and allegiance. Don’t fall for the idea that someone has to have some specific prior “experience” with the system or politics, have we not had ENOUGH of that to make us want to puke already??

Let’s “get it” right and not miss this opportunity to vote for a candidate that has the right qualifications.

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