Monday, May 30, 2022

Who is King in America?

Connecting the dots. 1 Peter 2:17 in part tells us to "honor the king". How many Christians understand who that earthly "king" is in a Constitutional Republic? In our nation, law is king. Our founders placed ALL elected offices under the United States Constitution. Article VI tells us that the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land. The great Reformer Samuel Rutherford in his work "Lex Rex" introduced the Church to the truth that men, due to their depraved nature, could never govern above the law, but rather needed to be constrained by law. Our founders understood this and therefore set up a system of civil government where Law would be king. In our country, The U.S. Constitution is "king". No law whether federal or state may contravene (violate) the U.S. Constitution.
God has blessed our nation with an earthly "king" (Constitution) that is very friendly to the Church. Indeed it was designed to protect the Church. Nothing inside of that document would ever put the Christian at odds with his God. How sad that so few in the American Church have been taught or understand this very relevant body of information.
Our problem: We don't recognize who the "earthly king" is.

Our nation is governed under a Constitutional Republic....NOT a Democratic Republic. This is not semantics, there is a big difference between the two. The latter is a set up for mob rule. The former is designed to place and keep men under the Rule of Law. In most other nations around the world, the Romans 13 / 1 Peter 2 governing authority is a human that has been placed into office. Not so in our country. If you claim Christ, it is imperative that you understand this in light of Romans 13/1 Peter 2. The "governing authority" and "human institution" in the United States of America is NOT any person inside the three branches of our government. Because of the United States our nation the Romans 13 / 1 Peter 2 governing authority is the Rule of Law....the United States Constitution.
How in the world can those that claim Christ obey the clear command in Romans 13 / 1 Peter 2 to "obey the governing authority" if they are not taught not "who"...but "what" that governing authority is in our nation? How will they know when their "governing authority" is being abused by humans? How will they know how to respond?